
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

IGNOU : M.COM : MCO 3 : UNIT 1 : Q - 1. Define the concept of research and analyze its characteristics.

Ans.  The Random House Dictionary of the English language defines the term ‘Research’ as a diligent and systematic inquiry or investigation into a subject in order to discover or revise facts, theories, applications, etc. This definiton explains that research involves acquisition of knowledge. Research means search for truth. Truth means the quality of being in agreement with reality or facts. It also means an established or verified fact. To do research is to get nearer to truth, to understand the reality. Research is the pursuit of truth with the help of study, observation, comparison and experimentation. In other words, the search for knowledge through objective and systematic method of finding solution to a problem/answer to a question is research. 

L.V. Redman and A.V.H. Mory in their book on “The Romance of Research” defined research as “a systematized effort to gain new knowledge”

 “Research is a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic” (C.R. Kothari, Research Methodology - Methods and Techniques)

i) Research is manipulation of things, concepts or symbols 

       manipulation means purposeful handling

       things means objects like balls, rats, vaccine

       concepts mean the terms designating the things and their perceptions about which science tries to make sense. Examples: velocity, acceleration, wealth, income.

       Symbols may be signs indicating +, –, ÷, ×, x , σ, Σ, etc.

       Manipulation of a ball or vaccine means when the ball is kept on different degrees of incline how and at what speed does it move? When the vaccine is used, not used, used with different gaps, used in different quantities (doses) what are the effects?

ii) Manipulation is for the purpose of generalizing 

        The purpose of research is to arrive at generalization i.e., to arrive at statements of generality, so that prediction becomes easy. Generalization or conclusion of an enquiry tells us to expect some thing in a class of things under a class of conditions. 
         Examples: Debt repayment capacity of farmers will be decreased during drought years. 
         When price increases demand falls. 
         Advertisement has a favourable impact on sales.

iii) The purpose of research (or generalization) is to extend, correct or verify knowledge 

         Generalization has in turn certain effects on the established corpus or body of knowledge. It may extend or enlarge the boundaries of existing knowledge by removing inconsistencies if any. It may correct the existing knowledge by pointing out errors if any. It may invalidate or discard the existing knowledge which is also no small achievement. It may verify and confirm the existing knowledge which also gives added strength to the existing knowledge. It may also point out the gaps in the existing corpus of knowledge requiring attempts to bridge these gaps.

iv) This knowledge may be used for construction of a theory or practice of an art 

         The extended, corrected or verified knowledge has two possible uses to which persons may put it.

         a) may be used for theory building so as to form a more abstract conceptual system. Eg. Theory of relativity, theory of full employment, theory of wage. 

         b) may be used for some practical or utilitarian goal. 

               Eg. ‘Salesmanship and advertisement increase sales’ is the generalization. From this, if sales have to be increased, use salesmanship and advertisement for increasing sales. 

  Theory and practice are not two independent things. They are interdependent. Theory gives quality and effectiveness to practice. Practice in turn may enlarge or correct or confirm or even reject theory.