
Thursday, September 24, 2020

IGNOU : M.COM : MCO 1 : UNIT 9 : Q - 1. ‘Stress is both physiological and psychological’. Discuss with examples.


Ans. Physiological: Stress influences the biological system of the human being. Certain visible forms of stress are increased blood pressure, proneness to heart disease, cancer, sweating, dry mouth, hot and cold flashes, frustration, anxiety, depression, increased level of cholesterol, ulcer, arthritis etc. Physical stress increases the body metabolic rate. This results into malfunctioning of internal gland and consequently the body disorder. This is felt in the form of increasing heart beating, increase in breathing rate and headache. This creates biological illness. The physical stress also creates psychological problems. In fact, physical stress and physiological disorders are interrelated. However, physical disorders and stress always need not associate positively. This is because of complexity of symptoms of physical stress and lack of objective measurement of impact of stress on bodily disorders.


Psychological : Psychological consequences are interrelated to biological consequences. They are invisible, but affect the employees’ job performance. Psychological stress creates a pressure on human brain. This is expressed in terms of certain psychological symptoms such as anger, anxiety, depression, nervousness, irritation, tension, boredom, aggressiveness, moodiness, hostility and poor concentration. Tensions, anxiety, and emotions lead to procrastination. Psychological stress produces interpersonal aggressions, misunderstanding in communication, poor interpersonal communication and low interpersonal attraction. This is demonstrated through aggressive actions like sabotage, increased interpersonal complaints, poor job performance, lowered self-esteem, increased resentment, low concentration on the job and increased dissatisfaction. Psychological stress produces harshness in the behaviour and may lead to assumption of authoritarian leadership style by the superior executive.

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