
Thursday, September 24, 2020

IGNOU : M.COM : MCO 1 : UNIT 9 : Q - 3. What do you mean by the extra organisational stressors? Discuss various extra organisational factors which create stress in the organisation.

Ans. Extra-Organisational Factors


Environmental Factors : Environmental factors are extra organisational. Nevertheless, they create job stress in the individuals. These are internal and external factors. Most of the internal environmental factors relate to the organisational goals, management systems, structure, processes and design of organisations. They are discussed in the preceding section. External environmental factors relate to the general environment of the organisation. They are political, economical, technological, legal, ecological, governmental, social, cultural and ethical. Certain propositions describing the impact of environment on stress are presented below:


    i) The political party in power as per their ideology enacts legislation in the Parliament. As the new laws and regulations are enacted by the new political party, the political changes bring uncertainty in the environment. This compels employees to adapt to the new legal order. This creates stress.

   ii) Economic environment deals with income levels, demand and supply, inflation etc. Changes in these factors may require more work or better strategy to cope up with the environment. This creates stress when the employees are unable to adjust to the new situations. For instance, increase in inflation levels creates pressures on the employee income levels leading to stress.

  iii) Technological changes bring new methods of production and new ways of handling the organisational tasks. Employees are required to learn new skills in order to discharge their jobs effectively. Unable to cope up with the new technology creates stress in the employees. For example, bank employees felt stress when the bank management decided to introduce computers.

   iv) Legal environment consists of complex web of laws and regulation intended to control the business operations. Organisations are required to follow the legal provisions otherwise they are subject to prosecution. Practical difficulties arise in the implementation of the legislative framework. Employees who are unable to respond properly to the laws and regulations find themselves in stressful situation.

    v) The government is enacting legislation to protect the ecological environment in the country. Organisations are compelled to adapt to the legislative framework protecting the ecological environment. Protecting the ecological balance becomes a cause for potential stress.

    vi) Government Administration is composed of the administrative machinery and institutions that enforce the laws, regulations, policies and other government instructions. The bureaucratic practices of the administrative machinery can create stress in the executives.

   vii) Social, cultural and ethical environment can bring stress in the individuals. Social factors influence the life styles of employees. Certain social security measures such as health protection, civic facilities and social groups reduce stress in the employees. Certain sociological variables such as race, sex, social class, gender etc., and cultural factors such as beliefs, customs and traditions cause potential stress.


Certain other environmental factors that result in stress in recent times are stock market crashes, frequent elections, down sizing, information technology and the related changes in the business. Career oriented couples, racial and gender discriminations, health hazards due to pollution and imbalance in the natural environment etc. are contributing to stress.

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