
Monday, January 30, 2023

IGNOU : BCOM : BCOS 184 - E-Commerce ( NOTES FOR FREE )


Commerce ePathshala NOTES (IGNOU)

Important Questions & Answers 




Q –  What is E-Commerce ? State It’s Advantages & Disadvantages.

Ans. As is obvious, the term e-commerce is an abbreviated term for ‘electronic commerce’, which refers to the process of undertaking business transactions over internet. Almost anything - ranging from basic items such as breads or soaps, to high end expensive products such as computers or cars and even highly specialised services such as sale of second-hand products to purchase of property, are all available on the related e-commerce web-portals.

Depending on the products and services available, e-commerce web-portals could be understood to be ‘Generic’ and ‘Specific’. Examples of generic ecommerce portals are ‘Flipkart’, ‘Amazon’, where one could buy any product, ranging from furniture to flowers. On the other hand ‘Big Basket’ could be termed as a specific e-commerce web portal as the customer can order for only grocery related products on this web portal.


There are no doubts in the minds of the stakeholders of e-Commerce about its ability to make businesses more profitable due to its capacity to sell goods, services online. At the same time, there are multiple factors to keep in mind too.

1.     Accelerated buying process for saving time: One of the problems conventional stores face is the delay in buying by a consumer during the problem of accessing a physical store which may or may not be available. E-Commerce overcomes this hurdle by aiding the consumer avail the specific product at their own pace and with ease. It helps the consumer choose from a wide range of products by making available goods from other chained stores as well, widening the net of available goods as well fast forward the process to process payments.

2.     Personalised store as per Consumer preference: A major asset of conducting online business is the enhanced shopping experience. As each user is introduced to a different first page based on their location and advanced search for conducting a purchase. The consumer's history of purchases also reflects in the personalized experience of online commerce. This allows consumers to avail special services like benefits and discounts due to their loyalty, order history and so on, hence fulfilling customer expectations.

3.     Reduce recurring cost while hiring virtual support resources: One of the key factors that aids in reducing cost when it comes to e-commerce is the outsourcing of tasks to even different countries or employees for use to many other e-commerce businesses. This makes the presence of a company possible in multiple locations possible at a fraction of the cost of physical presence.

4.     Customers retargeting is easier: Retargeting a customer is a key part of retaining a customer base. Below are some of the techniques which can be used to retarget customers:-

·       It is a good strategy to share a coupon when customers leave the checkout page.

·       By sending emails which are pitching upsell and cross-sell.

·       By redirecting the consumer to the desired web page or targeted advertisement based on Consumer data.

5.     Easier to encourage an impulse buy: Impulse buying is an important tool in the arsenal of the sellers where it works as a path for consumers to act as per their choices towards particular products. It plays on the psychological behaviour of humans where some of us have personality traits that encourage impulse buying. It is often because of the urge to feel good, and at the same time the attempt at deriving emotional value from certain products makes them feel good; or things that have an emotional value.

6.     Reviews Available: The review system allows the consumer to make decisions as well as pass judgement on a wide range of variables. The presence of positive comments or a higher rating of one's business not only adds value, it also builds trust of the consumer on the product as well as the business. This not only projects the business as transparent, it helps the consumer to voice their opinion about their choices in products.

7.     Detailed information available for the consumer: The availability of detailed information is one of the key strengths of e-commerce. All consumers are always seeking detailed insights into the product they are interested in as it aids them in making an informed decision. The availability of information allows the consumer to gauge the relevance and value of the product or service according to their needs. It is the detailed description of the product that helps the consumer to make a confident choice according to their requirements.

8.     Quality service at reasonably low operation cost: Operational costs are a major expenditure when it comes to asserting the physical presence of any businesses. Usually for a business to maintain a physical presence, they have to pay a lot of money in the form of rent, salaries for employees, maintenance and other expenses. E-Commerce plays an important role in reducing the cost of operations significantly by eliminating a significant part of that expense as the business does not have to rely on a physical presence to provide quality service.

9.     Quick and affordable marketing: E-commerce provides a cost effective way to businesses for marketing anything effectively. This is in contrast to the expensive and time consuming processes used in physical marketing practices.

10.  E-Commerce has flexibility with 24/7 service capability: Flexibility in terms of both accessibility and affordability are major areas where Ecommerce is powerful than conventional stores and retail spaces as it allows the service to consumer 24/7. It is not only the capability of providing a shopping option round the clock, E-Commerce also helps consumers with chat support, provide recommendations and identify products being sought by the consumer at any time and place.

Disadvantages of E-Commerce

The various disadvantages of E-Commerce are discussed below:

1. Lack of personal touch: One of the thing that play a huge role in consumer satisfaction is the ability to personally view and touch any product. It is an important factor when it comes to customer satisfaction as even the best detailed, expressed and explained products can fail to convince and attract the consumer.

2. Unsure about the quality: When it comes to purchasing products online, it is difficult for the consumer to determine its quality. It is also common knowledge that there has been malpractice when it comes to fake reviews to artificially boost sales and of a low quality or faulty product.

3. Late Delivery: One of the assurances of businesses practicing ECommerce is the delivery time of the product. There are a whole range of issues that can arise when it comes to the delivery of the purchased product; hence businesses avoid giving exact delivery dates and try providing windows for the same. Many times, this results in the consumer waiting for the product for more than the assured period of time.

4. Difficulty in purchasing some products: Some precious products such as gold and customised products like made-to-order furniture (because of measurement issues) are difficult to be purchased online. Trust is an important factor when it comes to these products, and the lack of ability to verify them physically could serve as a hindrance in purchasing such products online.

5. Site crash issues: There is still some uncertainty when it comes to the functioning of servers and the availability of round the clock and quality internet service. This can create a lot of hindrance from sales perspective, and can result in loss of consumers as they might have to wait for an unspecified period of time to proceed with transactions.

6. Cybercrime and Data privacy issues: Last but not the least, ecommerce is prone to cyber security threats as well as data breaches typical to the cyber world. E-commerce web portals than any other online information, as these sites/portals store users’ data including financial and other personal details of the buyers and the sellers. Hence there is a constant challenge of securing this data from a wide range of security challenges including malware, hacking, ransom ware as well as misuse of personal sensitive information / preferences for targeted marketing / campaigning etc.



Q –  State the Types of E-Commerce.


Many different models of electronic transactions exist in the world of e commerce today. Generally, these are classified as B2B (Business-to Business), B2C (Business-to-Consumer), C2C (Consumer to consumer), C2B (Consumer-to-Business), B2G (Business-to-Government/Administration), C2A (Consumer to Administration), P2P ( Peer 2 Peer), Direct to consumer (D2C)

1.     B2B: Business-to-Business Model of E-Commerce

In business-to-business (B2B) type of e-commerce system, companies that  are involved in the supply chain, such as a manufacturer selling a product to a wholesaler, the wholesaler selling the product to a retailer, all come together to conduct business with each other using a common portal. In such an instance, the manufacturer could have a website / web portal that could also be used by the wholesaler to place orders for the product; this order could then be processed and sent to the wholesaler. The Wholesaler could further use the same portal to advertise the product or take orders from a retailer for the same.

2.     B2C: Business-to-Consumer Model of E-Commerce

This model of e-commerce is understood to be the process where a company or business sells their goods, services and products directly to the buyer using Internet. The buyer has the liberty of browsing through the Internet to filter, check and view products and then order them. After receiving an order, the company proceeds to process and send the order directly to the buyer.

Popular examples of B2C are ‘Amazon’, and ‘Flipkart’. It is important to note that majority of the e-commerce companies do not manufacture products or produce these services, but rather list them on their website/ web portal for payments.

3.     C2C: Consumer-to-Consumer Model of E-Commerce

This form of e-commerce is understood to be a model where consumers sell goods, services and products to another consumer using web technologies and the internet. This model comprises the selling of a wide range of products including movable assets and properties.

Companies such as ‘Quicker’, ‘OLX’ and so on are some examples of this model of C2C e-commerce.

4.     C2B: Consumer-to-Business Model of E-Commerce

Unlike ‘B2C’ model, it is a type of commerce where consumers themselves provide goods, services and products to an organization (or business) as illustrated below.

There is another version of this model; in this version, the consumer create and utilize their own social media profiles (blogs etc.) to link back to the product sold on the company's ecommerce website / web portal, thereby consumers facilitates the sale of company’s products and are usually rewarded by these companies for doing so.

5.     B2G: Business-to-Government Model of E-Commerce

Business-to-government, also known as business-to-administration, refers to trade between the business sector as a supplier and a government body as a customer. This kind of e-commerce refers to the situation where businesses conduct commerce with the government; it is essentially a part of the ‘B2B’ model.

The business network provides a platform to businesses to bid on government opportunities such as auctions, tenders and application submission and so on for various services etc. These activities are increasingly being conducted through the internet using real time bidding. “ Government e-MarketPlace - GEM” portal by Government of India, is an example of the same

6.     C2A: Consumer-to-Administration Model of E-Commerce

The model refers to the e-commerce process followed by the consumers when interacting directly with the government agencies. This may be in the form of payments, information access requests or feedback to various agencies among other things. Consumer to government/administration model for e-commerce is the ideal answer for establishing communication between the consumers and the government.

Examples of ‘C2A’ models include e-government applications such as payment of utility bills including electricity and water, tax payments, health insurance payments made using web and mobile applications.

7.     P2P: Peer-to-Peer Model of E-Commerce

P2P model is essentially a networked model of commerce without any intermediary. It is therefore a distributed platform enabling different individuals to partake in transactions with each other without an in-between third party. This model of network arrangement is different from the client server model where communication takes place from the central server.

These services may be operated as free non-profit services or generate revenue by advertising to users or by selling users data. Some examples of ‘P2P’ services are open-source software, online marketplaces, crypto currency and Block-chain, ridesharing and so on.

8.     D2C: Direct-to-Consumer Model of E-Commerce

Direct-to-consumer refers to selling products in a straight line to customers, bypassing any third-party retailers, wholesalers, or any other middlemen.

Direct-to-consumer companies are transforming how people shop. In the progression, these brands, spanning everything from detergent to sneakers, are radically changing consumer preferences and expectations. In addition to establish a direct relationship with customers, these brands are building a community of ambassadors on social media.

D2C brands are usually sold online only and specialize in a specific product category: Casper, Warby Parker, Everlane, Harry’s, Outdoor Voices, AWAY, and Dollar Shave Club.



Q –  State the Key Elements of a Business Model.


To ensure that all these basic questions are adequately addressed, following are some simple steps to create a strong business model.

1. Identify your specific audience: Targeting a wide audience won’t allow a business to identify the right customers, who truly need and want the product or service. Instead, when creating a business model, narrow down the audience (expected buyers) number to two or three and do detailed study of the buyer personas. Outline each persona’s demographics, common challenges and the solutions of the company that it will offer.

2. Establish business processes: Before the business can go live, make a clear understanding of the activities required to make the business model work. It is important to determine the key business activities to establish a proper business process. The first step is to identify the core aspects of the business’s offering.

3. Record key business resources: What does a company need to carry out during daily processes, find new customers and reach business goals? Document essential business resources to ensure the business model is adequately prepared to sustain the needs of the business. Common example that a business may need includes a website, capital for the business to start running, warehouses, intellectual property and the customer lists.

4. Develop a strong, preferably a unique value proposition: For standing among other competitors a company needs to provide some additional value proposition to the customers in the form of an innovative service, or a revolutionary product. Value proposition is about giving the value to the business and how it stands out from other businesses in the market. Once the business has got a few value propositions, then it is important to link each of them to a service or product delivery system to determine how the business would remain valuable to the customers over time.

5. Determine key business partners: No business can function properly (let alone reach established goals) without key partners that donate to the business’s ability to serve customers. While building a business model it is significant to choose the key partners like for example suppliers, strategic alliances, or advertising partners.

Keeping these five elements in mind, will lead to the creation of a solid business model capable of fuelling the success of a new business entity.



Q –  State the impact of a pandemic on E-commerce businesses.


The corona virus pandemic has considerably changed the shopping behaviour of consumers for two valid reasons- firstly the shopping sprees got reduced due to lockdowns and secondly the downward spiral of economy curtailed the expenditures.

However, in this transition, online stores became more popular. Even those who had not gone online to shop now realised that they could buy essential commodities from the safe confines of their homes. These FTUs (First Time Users) on e-commerce sites also suddenly became aware of massive discounts/ bargain deals available online, which probably would have never come their notice earlier. As a result, quite a lot of consumers have switched from shops, supermarkets, and shopping malls to online portals for the purchase of products, ranging from basic commodities to branded goods, even when the covid-imposed lockdowns have been lifted.

However, this is just the tip of the ice-berg- COVID and Digitilisation have more to unfold in e-commerce sector than what we can see now. Only future would tell.



Q –  What are e-Commerce revenue models? Explain their various types.


E-commerce not only involves doing business over the internet, it is also about designing new profitable business models. After we have understood some of the important implementation strategies for e-commerce businesses, we would move on to understand possible modes of income generation in ecommerce implementation. This is best explained by the revenue model defining the e-commerce implementation.

1.     Advertising Revenue Model: Revenue in e-commerce businesses could be primarily generated by hosting advertisements of other products/ services on online stores; this is the most basic model of revenue generation referred as Advertising Revenue Model.

This model provides content and services like email, chat, etc. mixed with advertising messages in the form of banner ads. The advertising model only works when the volume of viewer traffic is large or high. The banner ads may be the major or sole source of revenue for the broadcaster.


2.     2. Affiliate Revenue Model: It is a very popular variation to the  advertising revenue model that is based on pay-for-performance Concept. In this concept the sellers put advertisement of their products as ‘links’ on websites of their partners, also called affiliates. Payments are made to the sellers when the links are clicked, and orders are placed and in return the partners/ affiliates get some part of the revenue.

3.     Transaction Fee Revenue Model: There are certain e-commerce sites, such as OLX, e-bay who charge a transaction fee from its users. This transaction could be either fixed or could be in terms of percentages of the volume of transactions undertaken.

4.     Sales Revenue Model: Sale of products/ services itself generates revenues for the sellers (who could be a retailer or wholesaler) who sell their products online.



Q –  State the Essential Technology Features Required in E-Commerce.


Essential features of technology required while designing e-Commerce are explained as follows:

1. Ubiquity: E-commerce is ubiquitous i.e. it can be accessed from everywhere and at anytime. It is not restricted to any physical space and makes it possible to shop anytime, anywhere using any electronic device (laptop/desktop/mobile phone/tablet) having internet connectivity.

2. Global Reach: The technology has eliminated the national boundaries. In e-commerce businesses, potential market size is almost equivalent to the global population.

3. Universal Standards: Another obvious unusual feature of e-commerce technologies is there is one set of technical standards of the internet that is universal standards. The Internet is shared at the global level by all nations, it enables any computer to link with any other computer regardless of the technology platform used by each one of them. Using the universal standards files can be easily exchanged with any remote device across globe.

4. Richness: Advertising and branding are an important part of commerce. E-commerce can deliver video, audio, animation, billboards, signs and etc like traditional commerce. Information and the contents are rich can be delivered without sacrificing the reach.

5. Interactivity: E-commerce technologies allow for interactivity, meaning they enable two-way communication between the merchant and the consumer.

6. Information Density: Ecommerce technology reduces the information collection, storage, communication, and processing cost. At the same time, it has increased the accuracy of quality information, making information more useful and important than ever.

7. Personalization: E-commerce technology allows for personalization. On the basis of name, interests, and past purchase behavior products can be customized and personalized, further, this collected information could be used for sending marketing and promotional messages to the targeted customers.



Q –  State the Advantages of employing digital technologies in Governance.

Ans. 1. Fast and convenient service to citizens: Citizens can have easy and quick access to the related information regarding to all the public services by applying for any service online on web portal/ apps developed by the government. Further he/she can get documents easily in electronic form or hard copy as per the requirement, so there is no more waiting in the long queues. In other words, citizens can take advantage of many other online services just on a click of mouse and the public services are available to them at their doorsteps by minimising their transaction costs and travelling costs.

2. Reduction in delays, red tapism, and corruption: Implementation of e-government ande-governance lowers several other related bureaucratic problems such as long processes, personal grudges of the delivery officers and so on. With implementation of digital technologies, there is improvement in transparency in public processes and clear accountability of the government functionary in charge of that process. It not just fastens the processes but also reduces corruption that could come up in manual processes.

3. Effective utilization of resources: Resource utilization is optimised through effective implementation of digital technologies in public domain due to the speed and efficiency provided by digital technologies. This kind of utilization is not possible with manual paperwork and manual processes, otherwise used in government organisations.

4. Enhanced citizen participation: In a democratic system, citizen participation is one of the key components of decision-making process. The use of Internet based technologies raises the possibility for largescale citizen participation in policy making process of government, despite the distances and diversity of the population.

5. Integration of public services of offered by different departments: By using digital technologies, different departments and different functions could be connected. This integration of public services offered by state and central government provides ease of access of public services to the citizens.

Indeed, the growth of e-governance and e-government has been one of the most striking and noticeable developments in governance and it would be interesting to understand how different public organisations or even a country evolves from the most basic stage of employing digital technologies in governance to the higher stages. This is explained in the next section by referring to the Gartner’s evolution model of e-government.



Q –  State the Merits of e-Payment System.


E-payment systems are made to facilitate the acceptance of electronic payments for online transactions. With the growing popularity of online shopping, e-payment systems became a must for online consumers — to make shopping and banking more convenient. It comes with many benefits, such as:

·       Reaching more clients from all over the world, this result in more sales.

·       More effective and efficient transactions — It’s because transactions are made in seconds (with one-click), without wasting customer’s time. It comes with speed and simplicity.

·       Convenience. Customers can pay for items on an e-commerce website at anytime and anywhere. They just need an internet connected device. As simple as that!

·       Lower transaction cost and decreased technology costs.

·       Expenses control for customers, as they can always check their virtual account where they can find the transaction history.

·       Today it’s easy to add payments to a website, so even a non-technical person may implement it in minutes and start processing online payments.

·       Payment gateways and payment providers offer highly effective security and anti-fraud tools to make transactions reliable.



Q – State the Types of Payment Methods. Explain.


There are various types of payment gateways consumers are using. It can be possible in brick-and-mortar which we usually call physical stores and shopping online which we call click-and-mortar stores. In physical stores, payment gateways consist of the point of sale (POS) terminals used to accept payments by card or by phone. In online stores, payment gateways are the “checkout” portals used to enter credit card information or credentials for services such as Google Pay, Amazon Pay, Facebook Pay and WhatsApp Pay. Using multiple gateways make great business sense when you considering the flexibility it gives to your team. There are various kinds of Epayment present in a market, some are mentioned below:

·       Automated clearing house.

·       Wire transfers.

·       Item processing.

·       Remote deposit capture.

·       FedLine Access Solutions.

·       Automated Teller Machines.

·       Card Services (ATM, credit, debit, prepaid)

·       Mobile payments

·       Crypto currency

On the other hand E-payment methods could be further classified into two areas, credit payment systems and cash payment systems which we usually called Pre Paid & Post Paid E-Payment System.

Prepaid refers to the scheme in which you buy credit in advance before availing services. Post-paid is defined as a scheme in which the customers are billed at the end of the month for the services availed by them. Examples include plastic card, on-line transactions, concerned bank, performed by phones or by filling form on the website, Cyber Cash, encrypted payment, Internet Cheques, cheques for deposit, Process them internally, and clear and settle between banks, cheques handwriting signatures.


Credit Cards

Credit card is a plastic card which is issued by a bank. It is issued to customers of high credit ranking, the necessary information is stored in magnetic form on the card. A card holder can purchase the item from the shop or the showrooms and need not pay cash. He has to flash the card in machine at the place where he is making purchases. Banks issue credit card to the customers up to a certain limit. The customers can purchase goods/services from the authorized showrooms without carrying physical cash with them. The bills are presented by the showroom to the authorized branch. This bill is presented by the paying branch to the issuing branch.

Cyber Cash

Unlike Credit card, Cyber Cash is not directly involved in handling funds. In Cyber cash system, after deciding what is to be purchased the customer makes payment to the merchant through credit card without disclosing the credit card number to him. The credit card number is sent to the merchant in encrypted form. The merchant forward the encrypted payment with his private key to the bank's Cyber Cash gateway server. The bank's Cyber Cash gateway server decrypts the information, processes the transaction and forward it to the merchant's bank.

Internet Cheques

A cheque is a signed paper document that orders the signer's bank to pay an amount of money to a person specified on the cheque or bearer from the signer's account on or after a specified date. Cheques pass directly from the payer to the payee, so that the timing or the purpose of the payment is clear to the payee. The payee can deposit the cheque in an account of his choice or cash it. Banks operate extensive facilities to accept cheques for deposit Process them internally and clear and settle between banks.

Smart card

It is a plastic card with a microprocessor that can be loaded with funds to make transactions; also known as a chip card.


It is clear that mobile wallets are slowly making a mark as a form of payment method, but cash still remains to be an imperative necessity for consumers.



Q –   Comment on the Following a)ACH  b)RTGS  c)IMPS  d)UPI


Automated Clearing House (ACH) is a computer-based electronic network that coordinates electronic payments and automated money transfers i.e processes transactions, usually domestic low value payments, between participating financial institutions. ACH is a way to move money between banks without using paper checks, wire transfers, credit card networks, or cash. ACH and EFT payments are similar in that they are both forms of electronic payments. However, EFT refers to all digital payments, whereas an ACH is a specific type of EFT. An ACH payment occurs when money moves from one bank to another bank. This money moves electronically, through the Automated Clearing House Network. In India National Automated Clearing House, or NACH, introduced by National Payments Corporation of India, is a centralized clearing service that aims at providing interbank high volume, low value transactions that are repetitive and periodic in nature. Most people already use ACH payments, although they might not be familiar with the technical jargon. When employers pay wages through direct deposit or consumers pay bills electronically out of checking accounts, the ACH network is often responsible for those payments. These computerized payments have benefits for both merchants and consumers as explained below:

1. Lower costs: ACH payments use fewer resources than traditional paper checks. There’s no need for paper, ink, fuel to transport checks, time and labor to handle and deposit checks, and so on.

2. Recordkeeping Convenience: Electronic transactions make it easy to keep track of income and expenses. With every transaction, banks create an electronic record. Accounting and personal financial management tools can also access that transaction history.

3. Convenience: ACH is more convenient and easier to use as compared to the other methods of payment.

4. Customer’s preference: ACH is preferred because of security, reduced human error and increase time savings, Faster processing time.


b) RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement)

Money can be transferred from one bank to another on a real-time basis using Real Time Gross Settlement or RTGS method. There is no maximum transfer limit, but the minimum is Rs. 2 lakhs. The transactions are processed throughout the RTGS business hours. Usually, the amount is remitted within 30-minutes. To be able to transfer money through RTGS, it is required for the sender and the receiver bank branch to be RTGS enabled. It costs a little more than NEFT. But still, it will not cost you more than Rs. 30 for transactions up to Rs. 5 lakhs. The fee varies from one bank to another. Various requirements for conducting a RTGS are:

·       Amount to be sent

·       Account number of the remitter or sender

·       Name of the recipient or beneficiary

·       Account number of the beneficiary

·       Beneficiary’s bank and branch name

·       IFSC code of the receiving branch

·       Sender to receiver information, if any


c) IMPS (Immediate Payment Service)

An IMPS sends instant payments. The money is transferred instantaneously through mobile phones using this interbank electronic fund transfer service. You can make the transactions 24x7x365 across banks including all weekends and bank holidays. The money can be transferred using phones, ATMs, Mobile Money Identifier (MMID) and internet banking. The idea is simple to allow users to make payments with the mobile number of the beneficiary. Various requirements for conducting IMPS are:

·       MMID of the Recipient

·       7 Digit MMID Number

·       MMID of the receiver

·       Name of the beneficiary

·       Beneficiary’s mobile number

·       Account Number of the recipient

·       IFSC Codes of the beneficiary bank

d) UPI

Unified Payments Interface is an instant real-time payment system developed by National Payments Corporation of India facilitating inter-bank transactions. The interface is regulated by the Reserve Bank of India and works by instantly transferring funds between two bank accounts on a mobile platform.

Unified Payments Interface is a real time payment system that allows sending or requesting money from one bank account to another. Any UPI client app may be used and multiple bank accounts may be linked to single app. Money can be sent or requested with the following methods:

·       Virtual Payment Address (VPA) or UPI ID: Send or request money from/to bank account mapped using VPA.

·       Mobile number: Send or request money from/to the bank account mapped using mobile number.

·       Account number & IFSC: Send money to the bank account.

·       Aadhar: Send money to the bank account mapped using Aadhar number.

·       QR code: Send money by QR code which has enclosed VPA, Account number and IFSC or Mobile number.



Q –  State the differences between HTTP and HTTPs.

Ans. Following are the difference between HTTP and HTTPS.




The full form of HTTP is Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

The full form of HTTPS is Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure.

An HTTP URL begins with http://

An HTTPS URL begins with https://

It uses port number 80.

It sends the data over port number 443.

HTTP is an application layer protocol.

HTTPS is a transport layer protocol.

Less secure and vulnerable to hacking attacks.

It is highly secure.

It does not contain an SSL certificate.

HTTPS contains an SSL certificate.

HTTP websites do not use data encryption.

HTTPS websites use data encryption.

It is fast.

It is slower than HTTP.

HTTP does not help in improving search rankings.

HTTPS provides SEO advantages as Google gives the preferences to websites that use HTTPS.




Q –  What is web hosting? What are the various types of web hosting?


A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that rent out their services and technologies to host websites on the internet.

A space on a web server is allocated to store the files by the hosting provider. Web hosting makes the files available for viewing online. Web hosting provides services and infrastructure to develop, store, and deploy globally available websites and web apps in the cloud so startups can focus on applications and users.

Types of Website Hosting

Various types of web hosting services are explained in detail below:

1.     Shared hosting: Shared hosting is perfect for entry-level website hosting. With a shared hosting plan, all domains share the same server resources, such as RAM (Random Access Memory) and CPU (Central Processing Unit). However, because all resources are shared, the costs of shared hosting plans are relatively low, making them an excellent option for website owners in their beginning stages. Although shared hosting provides website owners with a more simplistic approach to the web. This means that surges in usage can ultimately affect the website’s user experience.

2.     Virtual private server (VPS) hosting: A VPS hosting plan is the ultimate middle ground between a shared server and a dedicated server. It is ideal for website owners, who need more control, but do not necessarily need a dedicated server. VPS hosting is unique because each website is hosted within its own space on the server, though it still shares a physical server with other users. VPS hosting provides website owners with more customization and storage space.

3.     Dedicated server hosting: Dedicated hosting gives website owners the most control over the server on which their website is hosted. Dedicated servers’ cost is one of the most expensive web hosting options. They are mostly used by website owners with high levels of website traffic, and those who are in need of complete control of their servers. In addition, a high level of technical expertise is required for the installation and ongoing management of the server.

4.     Cloud hosting: Cloud hosting is the current buzzword of the technology industry. In Web hosting, it means many computers working together, running applications using combined computing resources. This allows users to employ as many resources as they need without having to build and maintain their own computing infrastructure. The resources that are being used are spread across several servers, reducing the chance of any downtime due to a server malfunction.

5.     Managed hosting: The user gets his or her own Web server but is not allowed full control over it (user is denied root access for Linux/administrator access for Windows); however, they are allowed to manage their data via FTP or other remote management tools. The user is disallowed full control so that the provider can guarantee quality of service by not allowing the user to modify the server or potentially create configuration problems.

6.     Co-location web hosting service: Co-location web hosting service is similar to the dedicated web hosting service, but the user owns the co-server; the hosting company provides physical space that the server takes up and takes care of the server. This is the most powerful and expensive type of web hosting service. In most cases, the co-location provider may provide little to no support directly for their client's machine, providing only the electrical, Internet access, and storage facilities for the server.

7.     Clustered hosting: Cluster hosting allows multiple servers hosting the same content for better resource utilization. Clustered servers are a perfect solution for high-availability dedicated hosting, or creating a scalable web hosting solution. A cluster may separate web serving from database hosting capability. Usually, web hosts use clustered hosting for their shared hosting plans, as there are multiple benefits to the mass managing of clients.

8.     Grid hosting: Grid hosting is a service that provides grid computing Capabilities to its clients This form of distributed hosting is adopted when a server cluster acts like a grid and is composed of multiple nodes. Much like cluster hosting, grid hosting makes it less likely that a spike in resource needs will take site offline.



Q –   What are the Strategies for developing e-commerce websites?


The commerce industry is growing with rapid speed as growth rate is continuously increasing. The process of e-commerce website development project are categories into seven major steps which are as follows:

1. Identify the product/service, and the customer: The first step for ecommerce website development is to identify the products/services which the company wants to sell in the market to the target population. As it is essential to identify which products are to be sold and to whom.

2. Know your e-commerce customer: KYeC is vital for any business to understand who their customer is for success in the long run. So, they can allure them in the best possible way. One way to obtain this is by evaluating the customers of the competitors.

3. Choose the right e-commerce website development platform: Appropriate e-commerce platform is a software suite that aids build the e-commerce store where marketers make their products available, and customers can process transactions. Choosing the right e-commerce platform is vital to any online business as it is the very foundation of the business.

4. Choose the right e-commerce website hosting platform: Business success and failure choice of server and hosting are a crucial factor. It determines the website’s accessibility and performance efficiency. Costs cutting are an important factor while deciding about website hosting and support; outsourcing can be exercised.

5. Choose the right e-commerce development partner: Choosing for e-commerce technology development partners or e-commerce vendors can be very difficult. The market is very crowded with service providers and with each one claiming to offer the services which suit best to company needs.

6. E-commerce website testing: After completion of the website development, the next crucial step is e-commerce website testing. Testing checks usability, customer convenience, checks for bugs, and is important to providing a good shopping experience. Testing is usually implemented in various browsers, across platforms, and across devices. Websites can be tested manually, or automatically, or a combination of the two followed by feedback.

7. Effective marketing: E- marketing plays a crucial role at this stage, it is important to advertise it to people. For advertising the website, marketers need to have a promotional plan drafted out including all means of advertising. In a crowded market of business owners competing for customers’ attention, it is hard to get new customers or sustain existing ones without proper marketing.



Q –  What are utility programs? What are the different types of utility programs?

Ans. Utility program is a system application that executes a specific task, generally pertaining to optimal maintenance or operation of the system resources. Operating systems such as Windows, macOS and Linux come with their own set of utility programs to maintain and execute different utility functions such as formatting, compressing, scanning, exploring and much more. Utility programs also assist with the management of computer functions, resources and files. one can ensure complete password protection and keep systems virus free using different utility programs.

Types of Utility Programs

Various functions are executed by a utility program to make the system’s operations smoother and more efficient. Overall, utility programs can be broadly categorized into four parts:

1. System Utilities: Some of the system utility programs are memory manager, antivirus and firewall, registry checker and cleaner, package installer and explorer. Also, with the help of such system utility programs, users can execute functions that are crucial for smooth running of an operating system.

2. File Management Utilities: File management utilities include tools such as data archives, software backup tools, file compression tools and managers. With the help of these, users can manage their data in the form of files and folders. These utilities help users to sort out, store and categories files according to the requirement.

3. Storage Device Management Utilities: Storage device management utility programs provide solutions for enhancing disk capacity, such as disk clean-up, partition management, formatting, disk space allocation, defragmentation, etc. With the help of this utility program, users can compartmentalize systems and external drives for efficient management of programs and files that are stored within.

4. Miscellaneous Utilities: Apart from these three utility program categories, there are various other programs that help in managing business operations. Some of these programs include data generators, HTML checkers and hex editors, to name a few.



Q –  What is an operating system? Explain the two most commonly used operating systems.


In our preceding course BCOS-183 we had elaborately defined the term Operating system. An Operating System (OS) is an interface between computer user and computer hardware. The foundational software on a server is the operating system. Commonly speaking, it is the basis on which everything else you use runs. Without an operating system, the server is just a collection of electronics that does not identify how to communicate with the rest of the humankind. An operating system is software which performs all the basic tasks like file management, memory management, process management, handling input and output, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers. A web Server software must match with Operating System.


Microsoft Windows, commonly referred to as Windows, is a group of several proprietary graphical operating system families, all of which are developed and marketed by Microsoft. Each family caters to a certain sector of the computing industry. If you use The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site, MS SQL or Access databases you need Windows hosting because those technologies are not available on other platforms. The support for traditional Asp is better on Windows and ColdFusion hosting is most common on Windows servers, even though ColdFusion runs just as nice on Linux. On the downside, Windows servers are more exposed to viruses and hacker attacks. Windows hosting is also more expensive, and Windows servers tend to crash a bit more often. Windows also takes more server resources than Linux, resulting in fewer hosting accounts on each server and higher prices.


With Linux, one get a stable server platform with high security and no threatening viruses. Linux is free, and does not take as much server resources as Windows, so Linux hosting is cheaper.

It provides a good selection of scripting languages (most are also supported by Windows servers). The most common database solution for Linux is MySQL, which also is open source and works great. PostGreSQL is on its way to Windows, but not quite there yet. And with the great selection of free online resources, Linux hosting is the best choice for most self-taught webmasters and businesses too. Ubuntu or Fedora was the most common choice.



Q –   What is a mail server? What are different types of E-mail servers?

Ans. A mail server (sometimes also referred to an e-mail server) is a server that handles and delivers e-mail over a network, usually over the Internet. A mail server can receive e-mails from client computers and deliver them to other mail servers. A mail server can also deliver e-mails to client computers.

Types of E-mail Server

When we use the term email server in the sense of services or we can separate email servers into 2 main categories: outgoing email servers and incoming email servers.

1.     SMTP: Outgoing email servers are called SMTP servers. for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. guidelines that allow software to transmit an electronic mail over the internet. It is a program used for sending messages to other computer users based on e-mail addresses.

2.     POP3: Incoming email servers are known by the acronyms POP3 (Post Office Protocol). In computing, the Post Office Protocol is an application-layer Internet standard protocol used by email clients to retrieve e-mail from a mail server. POP version 3 is the version in common use.

3.     3. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol): IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is a standard email protocol that stores email messages on a mail server, but allows the end user to view and manipulate the messages as though they were stored locally on the end user's computing device(s).

In general, IMAP is more complex and flexible than POP3. With IMAP, messages are stored on the server itself. While with POP3, messages are usually kept on the device, that is, on your computer or cell phone.



Q –  Why is Cyber security Important?

Ans. In today’s attached world, one and all benefits from advanced cyber defense programs. At an individual level, a cyber-security attack can upshot in everything from identity theft, to extortion attempts, to the loss of important data like family photos. Each person relies on critical infrastructure like power plants, hospitals, and financial service companies. Securing these and other organizations is essential for keeping our society functioning. On the other hand educating the public on the significance of cyber security, and build up open source tools which will make the Internet safer for everyone.



Q –  What do you understand by Cyber Threats? Explain It’s Various Types.

Ans. Cyber Threats For a cyber-security expert, the Oxford Dictionary definition of cyber threat is a little lacking it’s given as the "the possibility of a malicious attempt to damage or disrupt a computer network or system." This definition is incomplete without including the attempt to access files and infiltrate or steal data. In this definition, the threat is defined as a possibility. However, in the cyber security community, the threat is more closely identified with the actor or adversary attempting to gain access to a system. Or a threat might be identified by the damage being done, what is being stolen or the Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP) being used.

Type of Cyber Threats

In our modern technology-driven age, keeping our personal information private is becoming more difficult. The truth is, highly classified details are becoming more available to public databases, because we are more interconnected than ever. Our data is available for almost anyone to shift through due to this interconnectivity. This creates a negative stigma that the use of technology is dangerous because practically anyone can access one’s private information for a price. Technology continues to promise to ease our daily lives; however, there are dangers of using technology. One of the main dangers of using technology is the threat of cybercrimes.

1. Computer Viruses: A computer virus is a program written to alter the way a computer operates, without the permission or knowledge of the user. A virus replicates and executes itself, usually doing damage to the computer in the process. It is perhaps the most well-known computer security threat. Carefully evaluating free software downloads from peerto-peer file sharing sites, and emails from unknown senders are crucial to avoiding viruses. Most web browsers today have security settings which can be ramped up for optimum defense against online threats. But, single most-effective way offending off viruses is up-to-date antivirus software from a reputable provider.

2. Spyware Threats: A serious computer security threat, spyware is any program that monitors your online activities or installs programs without the consent for profit or to capture personal information. While many users won't want to hear it, reading terms and conditions is a good way to build an understanding of how your activity is tracked online. And of course, if a company don't recognize is advertising for a deal that seems too good to be true, be sure that we have an internet security solution in place and click with caution.

3. Hackers and Predators: Hackers and predators are programmers who victimize others for their own gain by breaking into computer systems to steal, change, or destroy information as a form of cyber-terrorism. These online predators can compromise credit card information, lock you out of your data, and steal your identity. As we may have guessed, online security tools with identity theft protection are one of the most effective ways to protect yourself from this brand of cybercriminal.

4. Phishing: Phishing attacks are some of the most successful methods for cybercriminals looking to pull off a data breach. Masquerading as a trustworthy person or business, phishes attempt to steal sensitive financial or personal information through fraudulent email or instant messages. Antivirus solutions with identity theft protection can be used to recognize phishing threats in fractions of a second.



Q –   What are the various Security Barriers faced by the companies? How MSSPs can help solve them ?


While there are hard costs associated with security incidents in terms of lost data or ransom paid, executive leadership also needs to be prepared for other business impacts such as brand erosion, loss of customer goodwill, shareholder disappointment and earnings volatility, all of which can incur costs months and even years after an initial security incident. Everyone knows that they need to secure their networks and systems, but enterprises which are lacking IT resources, dwindling budgets and the sheer volume of risk to manage; handling security nowadays has become a seemingly insurmountable task. Consequently, more and more businesses are looking towards Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP) for help. Here are three common security challenges companies face and how MSSPs can help solve them.

1.     Specialized talent shortage: There is a shortage of qualified IT security staff, making it difficult for management to attract and recruit qualified personnel. Escalating salary requirements further complicate the situation. Consequently, many companies skip some of the security management basics simply because they don’t have the time or staff required to implement these practices, making them prime hacking targets. An MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider) can operate in a variety of capacities and fill in whatever security gap a company may have. This includes not only devising a security and compliance strategy for networks and devices but taking over daily security management. By partnering with an MSSP, not only do you have access to a dedicated and specialized workforce, but you also benefit from a team of experts that understands the dynamic security landscape and the latest threats. Just as you would depend on a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) to manage your tax filing because of their knowledge of tax law, an MSSP can provide a level of security expertise that is hard to obtain on your own.

2.     Prioritizing risk: There’s no such thing as perfect protection, rather, it’s a matter of appropriately managing risk and making a conscious decision about what to do, and perhaps more importantly, what not to do. For example, while you may be dedicated to building a digital fortress with multiple levels of security, the sheer volume and variety of threats make it difficult to assess your current vulnerabilities and to plan an appropriate course of action. An MSSP can identify your security vulnerabilities and compliance requirements and help you implement a plan that’s unique to your organization and business situation. From there, you have two options. Your IT team can execute the security plan or you can leverage the MSSP to manage your day-to-day security needs. For example, at Century Link, we help our customers efficiently manage risk by creating a customized security plan, including threat intelligence, detection and response for a myriad of security concerns.

3.     Managing security expenses: While buyers are spending more than ever on security-related hardware and software, many companies are still exposed and inadequately prepared for a security incident. Simultaneously, buyers are also under pressure from management to reduce spending and provide more predictable operating expenses. But, there is good news. Effective preventive measures aren’t necessarily cost prohibitive. An MSSP can help you spend your security dollars smarter by focusing your spending on the priorities that will have the most impact on your security and compliance posture. With a managed security approach, you transfer the cost of ownership, thereby reducing the need for capital investments. You’ll gain a predictable OpEx model that is easier to forecast and budget, especially important when IT budgets are expected to remain flat.



Q –  Differentiate between the following:

i)                Digital Signature and Electronic Signature



The IT Act of India discusses two types of signatures:

 • Electronic Signature, and

• Digital Signature.

Important points for comparison have been summarised below:

·       Section 2(1) (ta) of the IT Act 2008 defines Electronic Signature as: “electronic signature means authentication of any electronic record by a subscriber by means of the electronic technique specified in the Second Schedule and includes digital signature”. The section 2(1) (p) of the IT Act 2000 talks about Digital Signatures and defines it as “digital signature means authentication of any electronic record by a subscriber by means of an electronic method or procedure in accordance with the provisions of section 3” of the Information Technology Act.

·       Electronic Signatures are technologically neutral and the act does not specify any particular technology for the purpose of creation of electronic signature while digital signature follows specific technologybased approach. For example, usage of hash functions, use of public key cryptography system, etc.

·       Electronic Signature can be biometric, name typed at the end of a mail, digitalized version of conventional signature. Digital signature uses two-way protection system with encryption and decryption.

·       Digital Signatures are more authentic than electronic signatures.

·       Electronic signatures are used for the purpose of verification of document while Digital Signatures are used for securing the document.

·       Digital Signatures have limited validity of maximum three years, while electronic signatures have no such limits on validity.



Q –   What is E-tailing? Explain its advantages & Disadvantages for retailers.


Retail is the process of selling consumer goods or services to customers through multiple channels of distribution to earn a profit. Retailers satisfy demand identified through a supply chain. The term "retailer" is typically applied where a service provider fills the small orders of many individuals, who are end-users, rather than large orders of a small number of wholesales, corporate or government clientele. Thus, Retail is the sale of goods on a physical location where the seller and the buyer meet in person. Whereas etail is the sale of goods on the internet where the transaction happens in a digital environment. Various popular players of E-tailing are Amazon, Flipkart, Zomato, Swiggy, MakemyTrip etc, and for retailers are Walmart, Mcdonalds, Big Bazaar etc.

 Advantages of E-tailing for retailers:

1. Location utility: Location is utmost important for the conventional retailing process to provide convenience utility to its consumers. However, in e-tailing location is not important. Retailers and customers need internet for e-tailing and transaction can happen from anywhere from within the country or overseas.

2. Less expensive: As compare to organised retailing, e-tailing is less expensive as it saves wages of salesmen and premises cost and maintenance. These expenditures are low as compare to internet cost.

3. High Reach: Integration with customers is high in e-tailing as customers can be local, national and international. Through internet, e-tailers can reach to large audience.

4. 24*7 businesses: The time utility for customers is high in e-tailing as customers can buy the products and services from anywhere and anytime.

5. Feedback: It’s easy to manage customer relationship management in etailing on the basis of feedback of consumers.

Disadvantages of E-tailing for retailers

1. Lack to infrastructure: The issues of accessibility and connectivity of internet causes problems in functioning of e-tailing activities. Also, the initial investment cost is very high in e-tailing.

2. Lack of technological expertise: To start an online retailing project it is important to have technological expertise and not all retailers have it.

3. Complex logistic management: Intrinsic and extrinsic challenges increase the complexities in e-tailing logistics. Like cash on delivery increases the operational cycle, managing high rates of returns, poor logistic management in rural areas and problems in cross-nation shipments.

4. Customers’ expectations: In terms of flexibility in delivery, detailed product descriptions, cost and security of delivery, flexible payment options sets high expectations of customers.

5. Lack of personal touch: The lack of face-to-face interaction, persuasion and handling the customers’ query is a major disadvantage in e-tailing.

6. High competition: E-tailers have to compete with other e-tailers as well as the organised and unorganised retailers in the market that increase the competitions for them.



Q –  What do you mean by E-Services? State the It’s Benefits.

Ans. E-service is also known as an online service refers to any information and service provided over the Internet. These services not only allow subscribers to communicate with each other, but they also provide unlimited access to information. These services may be free or paid. Thus, E-Service comprises of the online services available on the Internet, whereby a suitable transaction of buying and selling is achievable, as opposed to the long-established websites, whereby only explanatory information are available, and no online transaction is made possible. Thus, e-service may also include e-Commerce, although it may also include non-commercial services (online).


There are assured benefits of using online services and these services which can give organisation an edge in making available numerous benefits both tangible and intangible in nature.

We can easily list a number of benefits e-services can provide to vendors and consumers and could be fruitful in both the aspects such as;

       Accessing a greater customer base

       Accessing a greater customer base.

       Alternative communication channel to customers

       Alternative communication channel to customers

       Broadening market reach

       Broadening market reach.

       Cost savings.

       Enhancing perceived company image

       Enhancing transparency

       E-services can provide flexibility to Save your changes and return later to complete your submission.

       Faster delivery of products.

       Gaining competitive advantages

       Global access, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

       Improved client service through greater flexibility.

       Increased professionalism.

       Increasing services to customers

       Less paper waste.

       Lowering of entry barrier to new markets and cost of acquiring new customers

       Lowering of entry barrier to new markets and cost of acquiring new customers.



Q –  State the Technologies used by FINTECH Companies.

Ans. Technologies Used By FinTech

Within the financial services industry, some of the used technologies include artificial intelligence (AI), big data, robotic process automation (RPA), and block-chain. A brief about all of these technologies in FinTech is explained below:

1.     Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence is a general term for many different technologies. In terms of the "FinTech" industry, AI is used in various forms. AI algorithms can be used to predict changes in the stock market and give insight into the economy.

2.     Chatbots: A chatbot is a software application used to conduct an on-line chat conversation via text or text-to-speech, in place of providing direct contact with a live human agent. A chatbot is a type of software that can automate conversations and interact with people through messaging platforms. Chatbots are another AI-driven tool that banks and FinTech industries are using these days to help with customer service.

3.     Big Data: Big Data is another technology that financial institutions can utilize. In the finance sector, big data can be used to predict client investments and market changes and create new strategies and portfolios.

4.     Robotic Process Automation: Robotic Process Automation is an artificial intelligence technology that focuses on automating specific repetitive tasks. In terms of FinTech, RPA is used to perform manual tasks that often are repetitive and completed daily.RPA helps to process financial information such as accounts payable and receivable more efficiently than the manual process and often more accurately. RPA can be used to increase the productivity of the financial company.

5.     Block-chain: Blockchain is another financial technology that is being used in the industry. Out of all the "FinTech" technologies, block-chain was developed for the purposes of finance.The main feature of Blockchain in financial services is decentralization where it is not required to trust a third party to execute transactions. Though block-chain is still an emerging technology, many companies recognize the impact that it will have and are investing accordingly. In a nutshell, FinTech is the root of innovation operating at the intersection of financial services and technology.

6.     Other forms of FinTech technologies act to supplement and enhance existing financial services. These include services such as transferring funds between banks by companies such as Plaid (company) and augmenting payroll services for consumers by companies such as Clair.



Q –  Describe the various steps of an App development process.


Development of an app is a comprehensive task involving various steps, a brief of all the important steps which needs to be followed while developing any app is described below:

1.     Defining Mobile App Objectives

To clearly set and define the objectives for which App is being made is an important part of the App making process. Following points are important to consider before App designing is defined –

·       What is the main purpose of making App?

·       What are the main features of App that will be useful for customers? .

·       How this App will be useful in solving problems of the customers?

Predefined App features are very useful in assessing the total development budget of the App. However, research indicates that app design should prioritize user involvement over proprietary offerings when it comes to prioritizing features.

2.     Preliminary Design

Deciding about preliminary design is the first step of an app development, it is important to take time to design an app's fundamental structure. Before the next step, it is always advisable to spend enough time to design the App preliminary. The concept building for production of clear understanding of each and every small element of the app is important. This phase does not take much time for simple app design, but will take time in case of complex applications design.

3.     Market Research

There might be several innovative apps to start various business projects, but before you move into design and development, it is always better to do research work in terms of market requirement. A small research project with the following questions can support the project much before planning and development work begins –

·       What are marketing plans for this App?

·       Who are target audience for this App?

·       How do you want your customers to use your app?

·       Which software platform and framework will be used to make it?

·       Which mobile app development language will be used?

4.     Market Analysis

A market analysis is a quantitative and qualitative assessment of a market. It looks into the size of the market both in volume and in value, the various customer segments and buying patterns, the competition, and the economic environment in terms of barriers to entry and regulation. The market for mobile apps is growing rapidly like never before. Due to the pandemic, the number of apps downloaded has increased a lot.


5.     Collection of Users Feedback

After the App is ready, share it with friends and relatives and co-workers to get their feedback and modify the App accordingly. Following questions may be asked during this feedback –

·       Is this app useful?

·       Will this app be used?

·       What is the tentative cost of this App?

·       Is there anything which can be added to it to make it more useful?

6.     Financial and Technical Feasibility

It is always necessary to check the financial and technical viability of the entire plan before developing app. It is required to verify whether this software can be developed and whether existing technology funding is available to develop this application.


Financial Feasibility: Financial analysis is an essential activity in order to achieve financial viability. It is important to understand App's fixed cost, to estimate profit from consumers. The financial plan should also cover publicity, advertisement and web hosting expenses. Rental fee for App Store should be included as well. A balanced financial plan must be established in advance.

Technical Feasibility: Technical feasibility means checking the possibility if App can be developed by using the latest technology or not. It is important to check if organization is capable enough to use the latest technology or not. After the financial evaluations, there may be some technical questions to answer as well.

7.     Testing of App Prototype

This is an important stage in the lifecycle of app development. After completing the App with exciting graphics and text, it is important for the app to be thoroughly tested and corrected under a range of real-world scenarios. Link to your original records of design and planning and check all functions.

8.     Launching the App

The process of releasing an app in the market is extremely critical, as it is largely dependent on the success of this application. For branding and marketing the App, it is always advisable to hire a good marketing agency who will make efforts to launch the App in a very professional manner. Marketing is also one of the most critical activities to get involved at an early stage in the process. The Digital Marketing Team supports keyword analysis, important for SEO and App Store Optimism (ASO), both crucial to discovery. The next step is the submission of the mobile app for sale in different markets. Before starting this phase, high-quality screenshots of the application and promotional video and/or demo must be ready for better results.

9.     Official Release

Up until this point, App's official release date should be the climax of app marketing efforts. Influential bloggers and journalists could write some papers and articles to apprise the people who showed interest in the App before the launch. There could also be a promotional e-mail drive to attract downloads and raise momentum. If the app is published, try keeping user of the app committed by announcing a special deal or promotion using push notifications so that users open the app.

Build a simple collaborative feedback channel and respond to users' comments and concerns. Updating your customers quickly will work wonderful. Make sure you evaluate and track those KPIs that identify your marketing goals effectively.

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