
Friday, September 25, 2020

IGNOU : M.COM : MCO 4 : UNIT 1 : Q - 4. Explain the concept and process of Environmental Scanning ?


You have learnt that the business environment encompasses a variety of factors like economic, socio-cultural, political, legal, natural, international, technological and many others operating at micro as well as macro levels. But the immediate concern of business is to identify that part of the environment which is of strategic relevance to it. This part of environment is called relevant environment. Every organisation must closely and thoroughly monitor its relevant environment. The process by which the organisations monitor their relevant environment to identify the opportunities that could benefit them and the threats that should be avoided is known as environmental scanning, analysis or appraisal. The whole process consists of tracing the source of any opportunity or threat and break the whole into parts so as to examine its nature and inter- relationship. It is from such analysis that the management is in a position to decide whether to react to, ignore, or try to influence, or anticipate future s opportunities and threats discovered.

Process of Environmental Scanning

The process of environmental scanning involves performance of the following steps in a sequential manner.

Identification of key environmental variables : The first step in environmental scanning involves identification of key environmental variables which have an impact on the organisation's business and industry. These environmental variables comprises both micro and macro environment of business. The organisation requires to identify those variables which are relevant and also the variables which are general in nature. The key environmental variables can be customer related, competition or market related, technology related, regulatory framework related etc.

Identification of sources of information for environmental Scanning : Environmental scanning requires information input which can be derived from different sources. These could be formal and informal sources. These could be written as well as verbal sources. The origin of the sources of data could be internal as well as external. Some of the important types of sources of information are:

·         Internal sources such as company files and documents, data base generated by management information systems, company employees, and so on.

·         Secondary sources of information such as government publications, newspapers, journals, magazines, trade and industry associations newsletters, annual reports of competing firms, etc.

·         Mass media such as radio, television, internet.

·         Formal studies conducted by external agencies such as marketing research agencies, consultants and educational institutions.

·         Spying and surveillance through industrial espionage agencies or through ex- employees of the competitors or by planting own persons in the rival companies.

Approaches of environmental scanning : The organization may adopt either systematic approach or ad-hoc approach or processed form approach or combination of these approaches in varying degrees depending upon the need of situation.

Techniques of environmental scanning : There is a wide range of techniques available for environmental scanning. There are quantitative as well as qualitative techniques. There are formal and systematic techniques as well as intuitive methods available with the strategist. Any of these techniques may be selected depending upon the need and cost involved.

Various authors have identified different methods and techniques of environmental scanning. Some of these techniques are: Scenario writing, simulation, morphological analysis, structured and unstructured expert opinion, dynamic modeling, single variable extrapolation, multivariable interaction analysis, cross impact analysis and a number of other forecasting techniques. While many of these techniques are based on statistical methods but some of the techniques are based on intuition and judgment of the strategist to predict what the future is likely to be.

Factors affecting environmental scanning : There are several factors which affect environmental scanning. These factors are events, trends, issues and expectations of different groups which have interest in the organisation or its stakeholders. Events are important and specific occurrences taking place in different environmental sectors. Trends are the general tendencies or courses along which events take place. Issues are the current concerns of various sections of the society which arise in response to events and trends. Expectations are the demands which are made by various interest groups in response to their concern for the issues which have emerged.

Preparation of Environmental Threat and Opportunity Profile-ETOP : The last step in the process of environmental scanning is to structure the environmental appraisal in such a way that the environmental issues identified in the earlier steps are classified into opportunities and threats. This needs to be done in a systematic manner. William F. Glueck has suggested a technique called preparation of E~lvironmental Threat and Opportunity Profile(ET0P) for an organisation. The preparation of ETOP requires overall environment to be divided into various sectors and then the impact of each sector on the organisation duly analysed. Such ETOP provides the strategists a clear picture about the sectors which have favourable impact on the organisation and also the sectors having unfavourable or no impact on the organisation. This understanding can be of great help to an organisation in the fol-mulation of appropriate strategies whereby it can take the advantages of the opportunities available and counter the threats posed by the environment.

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