
Friday, September 25, 2020

IGNOU : M.COM : MCO 4 : UNIT 1 : Q - 3. Explain briefly the major components of business environment and their impact on business.

Ans. Micro Environment

The impact of various components of micro environment can be summarised as follows :

Customers - Customers hold the key to the success of a business. Therefore understanding t customers and monitoring their changing tastes and preferences is very important for every business. The loyalty of customers towards a product or service depends mainly upon their degree of satisfaction. In order to create and sustain customers, the management has to set up systems for monitoring customers attitudes, behaviour and satisfaction on continuing basis.

Competitors - No business firm, howsoever large it may be, enjoys monopoly in real market situation. It is always facing some kind of competition. A firm's competitors include not only the other firms which are in the same kind of business but also the firms belonging to other industries which are competing for a claim on the discretionary income of the customers. For example Samsung TV is not only competing with other brands of televisions in the market but it is also competing with other firms manufacturing products such as two wheelers, refrigerators, music systems, cooking ranges, etc. because the customers with discretionary income may settle for any of these products as the discretionary income available with the customers may be limited and desire to purchase products unlimited. This kind of competition is known as desire competition since primary task of the business firm here is to influence the basic desire of the customer.

Marketing Intermediaries - Marketing intermediaries are the channel members (middlemen) which help the , business firm to take its product to the final buyer. Most companies find it too difficult to reach the final buyer on their own as they do not have the requisite network to distribute their products. The intermediaries such as wholesalers, retailers, distribution firms, agents, etc. perform various kinds of functions to assist the-business firm in promoting, selling and distributing its goods to the final buyers. These intermediaries help the firm to find customers and close sales with them, they also assist firms in moving goods from production point to the consumption point, they also finance some of the marketing activities and insure business risks.

Suppliers - Suppliers are those who provide various kind of inputs such as raw materials, fabricated parts, etc. Every firm strives to operate at a low cost of a production for which it has to ensure uninterrupted supply of inputs. Any uncertainty in the supply of inputs will require the firm to maintain a high level of inventories which may lead to increase in the cost of production. In some cases, the firms have gone for backward integration, i.e., entering into the business of suppliers.

Macro Environment

Economic Environment

Economic environment basically consists of the economic conditions such as the nature of the economy, economic resources, level of income, distribution of income and wealth, stage of economic development, etc., and the economic system and policies which the country follows. Thus, the important forces operating in the economic environment are:

·         the stage of economic development through which a country is passing at a given point of time

·          the economic system which a country has adopted such as capitalism, socialism, or a mixed economy

·         the nature of economic policies which the country has adopted such as industrial policy, monetary and fiscal policies

·         the type of economic planning such as centralised or decentralized planning, perspective or long term plans, five year plans, annual plans or budgets, etc.

·         the nature of infrastructure available in the country such as means of transportation, communication network, banking and financial institutions, power supply, insurance, etc.

·          the important economic indices such as national income, per capita income, rate of growth of Gross National Product, distribution of income, rate of savings and investments, rate of growth of imports and exports, balance of trade, balance of payments, poverty rates, etc.

Political and Legal Environment

In every country irrespective of the nature of the economic system, the government plays an active role as planner, regulator, and promoter of economic activity. Only the extent and nature of these roles varies from system to system. In a capitalist economic system business corporates are very powerful, yet they have to operate within the parameters which are determined by the board policies of the government. The ideology of the government also shapes the political environment of the country. For example, India deliberately opted for mixed economic system after it became independent. It still continues to be a mixed economy but its nature has undergone a drastic change. In the first three decades of its planning the mixed economy had a tilt towards socialism but now it is increasingly moving towards a market driven economy where free competitive forces play an active role.

The nature of political stability has a lots of influence on the economic activities and willingness of the business to participate in the economy. An unstable government is likely to shift stances and make frequent changes in the policies because of political compulsions which may dampen the enthusiasm of business enterprises of greater  participation in the economy.

The government also sets the legal and regulatory framework within which the business operates. The constitutional framework provides Directive Principles of State Policy, Fundamental Rights and division of legislative powers between the central and the state governments. Legislations such as Contracts Act, Companies Act, Industries (Development & Regulation) Act, Foreign Exchange Management Act, Securities Exchange Board of India Act, the various labour laws and host of other legislations jointly create the framework of legal environment in the country. Through these enactments, the activities of the business enterprises are regulated at each stage of their working.

Socio-Cultural Environment

The social structure and the culture of a society has a great influence on the functioning of its business activities. Each society has its own culture which consists of the customs, values, attitudes, beliefs, habits, languages and other forms of interaction between members of the society. Any business firm which aims at entering any markets for its products and services has to be extremely careful about the cultural sensitivities of the society involved.

The social system can also be influenced by the way the business functions. The innovations which take place in business, the transmission of information and diffusion of information about new ideas etc. may also bring socio-cultural changes in the society.

The consumption patterns, the dressing and living styles of the people belonging to different social structures and cultures vary significantly. The perception of role of women in society also varies significantly in different societies. All these aspects must be considered by the business organizations not only while designing the products but also while finalizing its advertising and other promotional mechanisms.

Demographic Environment

Demographic features deal with the size and composition of population. Normally the absolute size of the population in a country is an important factor determining the size of the domestic market. But the real size of any market is determined on the basis of nature of composition of population. Therefore demographic factors, such as size and growth rate of population, life expectancy, age composition, sex composition, ethnic composition, rural-urban distribution of population, income distinction levels, educational levels, family size, family life cycle, occupation, religion, nationality etc. are all relevant to business. Demographic environment differs from country to country and also from place to place within the same country or region.

Technological Environment

No country, and for that matter, no business firm can afford to persist with the outdated technology. The overall scenario of business operations has undergone a tremendous change all over the world due to fast track developments in information technology, computer technology and the communication sector. Because of these developments, the whole world has now shrunk in size and is considered to be a "Global Village." Now you can talk to anyone anywhere in the world with a click of button. Everyone now has an access to information about the developments taking place in any comer of the world. With the internet and cable TV it is possible now for the buyers in India to know what people in other countries are consuming or using. These technological developments have taken place not only in the manufacturing sector but also very significantly in the service sector. For example, with the high quality financial and banking services provided by foreign and private sector banks, the public sector banks in India have started feeling the heat of competition and have resorted to computerization and automation in a big way in order to ensure that they are able to provide world class financial services to their customers and succeed in retaining them. The industrial units which lag behind the other countries in technological changes will lose competitiveness in national as well as international market.

International Environment

International environment comprises all those factors - economic, political, technological, sociological etc. that operate at transnational, cross-cultural and across the border level which also have an impact on the business operations of an enterprise. The developments which take place at the global level determines the course of change in the international environment. With the collapse of Eastern Europe and USSR, the USA has established its supremacy all over the world. At the global scenario, the world has become a Unipolar World. The way USA has invaded Iraq in 2003 has clearly demonstrated its hegemony.

The factors such as the process of globalization and the pace at which it is taking place, formation of regional trading blocks like EU (European Union), OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development), ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) etc., trends in global trade, demographic patterns and shifts taking place at global level, global financial systems, technological developments at global level, global markets, global legal systems, and host of other factors determine the nature of global business opportunities or threats which the international environment provides.

Natural Environment

Business is also affected by the quality of natural environment in a particular country. 'There are some businesses which can be established only at a source where raw material is available. For example, a sugar industry is possible only at those places where sugarcane can be grown because of suitable climatic and soil conditions. The industries which get raw material and inputs from the natural resources can similarly be also established near the source of availability of inputs otherwise increased transportation cost of raw materials and inputs will make the industrial unit uncompetitive.

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